
Vol. 37 No. 2 (maio/ago. - 2024): Economic History of Rio de Janeiro

Documentary traces of conflicts and convergences between the administrations of Leopoldina Railway and Estrada de Ferro Rio d’Ouro: research notes in funds from Arquivo Nacional [National Archives of Brazil]

December 1, 2023


The documentation under the custody of the Arquivo Nacional demonstrates that the use by Leopoldina Railway of a railroad line from Estrada de Ferro Rio d’Ouro led to a series of discussions. We will demonstrate the implicit strategies of Leopoldina Railway to postpone its contractual obligations, extending them whenever possible based on its economic power. To do so, part of the collection of the Ministério da Viação e Obras Públicas is analyzed, with the transcription of two of these documents.

Keywords: public administration; Estrada de Ferro Rio d’Ouro; Leopoldina Railway.


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