Economic History of Rio de Janeiro


The journal Acervo, a scientific periodic of the Arquivo Nacional [Brazilian National Archives], opens the call for articles for the dossier “Economic History of Rio de Janeiro”, edited by Cezar Honorato, PhD in Economic History from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and full professor at the Instituto de História at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), and Thiago Mantuano, PhD in History at UFF and visiting associate professor at the Departmento de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc).

Economic History is one of the founding fields of historical science in Brazil. Some of the first professional historians dedicated to unveiling and understanding the past began their investigations through socially constructed economic relations since Portuguese colonization in the Americas. The centrality of Rio de Janeiro to the country's history, in addition to the fact that it was the capital, the largest and most vibrant city in the Southern Hemisphere, made it mandatory that these first studies focus on the city as the center of their interests. To a large extent, the trajectory of the field was made possible by those pioneering historians and, as a result, the dossier is also a tribute to Eulália Maria Lahmeyer Lobo (1924-2011), one of the pioneering historians of Brazil, in the year of its centenary, whose private archive is part of the collection of the Arquivo Nacional.

The long tradition of studies and research in Economic History in Rio de Janeiro has been renewed since the last decade, considering the increased collection and systematization of sources. The area develops in a diversified way in chronological, spatial and thematic approaches, incorporating new methodologies and theoretical readings that deepen its scope.

The dossier is intended to bring together the most recent and promising works on the Economic History and historiography of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to including reflections, studies and research of a historical nature produced by specialists from other areas, as long as they are dedicated to understanding the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Submissions must be sent by October 31st, 2023, through the Acervo magazine website, to the Thematic Dossier and Review sections. The dossier will be published in a rolling basis between May and August 2024. Contributions must be in accordance with the focus and scope of the journal and follow its editorial guidelines.

