Acervo, Rio de Janeiro, v. 35, n. 1, jan./abr. 2022

Perspectivas em humanidades digitais | Artigos livres

Thematic and spatial profiles from the final papers of the school of history at the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba – Univap (1991-2018)

Recortes temáticos y espaciales de los proyectos de grado para la facultad de historia de la Universidade do Vale do Paraíba – Univap (1991-2018) / Recortes temáticos e espaciais de trabalhos de conclusão do curso de história da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba – Univap (1991-2018)

Maria Helena Alves da Silva

Doctoral student in Urban and Regional Planning at the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (Univap). Records administrator at the Centro de História e Memória of the Univap, Brazil.

Maria Aparecida Chaves Ribeiro Papali

PhD in Social History by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Professor of the History and Geography BSc with teaching degree courses and of the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning of the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (Univap), Brazil.

Valéria Regina Zanetti

PhD in Social History by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Professor of the History and Geography BSc with teaching degree courses and of the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning of the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (Univap), Brazil.


This work, of a quantitative-qualitative character, aims to present a report of the digital preservation experiences of themes and spatial profiles from the final papers of the school of history at the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. In addition to the quantitative mapping of the topics of interest, this research revealed the course’s trajectory using its own academic research.

Keywords: history; final paper; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; spatial profile.


Este trabajo, de carácter cuantitativo-cualitativo, tiene como objetivo presentar un informe de las experiencias de preservación digital de temas y recortes espaciales de los proyectos de grado para la facultad de historia de la Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. Además del mapeo cuantitativo de los temas de interés, esta investigación reveló la trayectoria del curso por medio de su propia investigación académica.

Palabras clave: historia; proyecto de grado; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; recorte espacial.


Este trabalho, de caráter quanti-qualitativo, tem como objetivo apresentar um relato das experiências de preservação digital dos temas e recortes espaciais dos trabalhos de conclusão do curso de história da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. Além do mapeamento quantitativo dos temas de interesse, esta pesquisa revela a trajetória do curso por meio de suas próprias pesquisas acadêmicas.

Palavras-chave: história; trabalho de conclusão de curso; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; recorte espacial.


In 1963, the Fundação Valeparaibana de Ensino (Valeparaibana Education Foundation - FVE) was created in the city of São José dos Campos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, with the objective of creating and maintaining primary and secondary, technical and higher education courses in the Paraíba Valley region. By the end of that decade, the FVE had in its conglomerate five faculties with nine courses: the Faculty of Law; the Faculty of Engineering of São José dos Campos (Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electrotechnical Engineering); the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (Architecture and Urbanism); the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (Economic Sciences) and the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters (Pedagogy, Letters and History).

In 1992, through the MEC ordinance n. 510, of April 1, 1992, the creation of the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba [University of Vale do Paraíba - Univap] was authorized, with a community character, which would gather, in its new campus, in the Urbanova neighborhood, in São José dos Campos, all higher courses maintained by FVE, encompassing the five faculties and its 34 graduation courses in the bachelor's and licentiate's modality, as well as three technologist courses.

Table 1 – Faculty of Health Sciences1













Veterinary Medicine






Social Service


Table 2 – Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism





Architecture and Urbanism


Aeronautical and Space Engineering


Agronomic Engineering


Environmental and Sanitary Engineering


Biomedical Engineering


Civil Engineering


Computer Engineering


Production Engineering


Electrical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Chemical Engineering


Table 3 – Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Communication







Accounting Sciences


Fashion design








Advertising and Marketing


Radio and TV


Table 4 – Law School







Table 5 – Faculty of Education and Arts





Visual arts


Digital Arts and Media


Biological Sciences



Phisical Education













In 2011, Univap's History & Memory Center (Cehvap) was created, with the objective of gathering, cataloging, cleaning, and making available to the internal and external communities all the historical documentation involving the creation of the university and its sponsor, the Valeparaibana Foundation education.

In addition to administrative documentation, Cehvap has been concerned with allowing the general public to have access to the final papers of the students from the five faculties that make this university, contributing to the availability of collections from the beginning of the 20th century, when people did not live under the domain of the internet and its virtual tools.

Universities, when they incorporate the constitution of collections that propose to keep their own history and memory, do so knowing the contribution and social feedback that such experiences mean. According to Maria Juliana Nunes da Silva and Ivana Parrela (2020, p. 214),

the documentary heritage and preserved memory of the university show not only the retrieval of registered actions to fulfill its functions, but also make accessible the accounts rendering of what was invested in terms of financial resources by the institution by means of its products, they make clear the evolution of the results for the society in terms of knowledge, training, research and access to information.

The University of Vale do Paraíba (Univap), as a community university, has the duty to respond to social demand, and Cehvap, as a memory center, fulfills its social role by disclosing not only the history of the institution itself, but also its intellectual production, a common practice in many universities.

The sharing of research and research data has become increasingly common as technology advances, stimulating the concept of open science, a situation in which the sharing of research data contributes to the advancement of science (Jorge, 2018, p. 417). For Franciele Simon Carpes and Daniel Flores (2013, p. 13), “the university’s archive is a custodian of its institutional memory, as it preserves the university's documentary heritage”. The contribution of institutional memory centers transcends the restricted interest of the university itself, as these centers house collections with a range of documentation, data, and information with the potential to open horizons for further research.

The university memory center shares scientific data and research that apply to all areas of knowledge. The possibility of digitizing and making available this documentary heritage has contributed to giving researchers access to new sources. As digital technological resources expand, access to knowledge and research data supports the intensification of the concept of open science. According to Sayão and Sales (2014, p. 77),

the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Science and Humanities, published in 2003, expands the boundaries of the open access movement by making explicit what is understood by open access contributions. The document states that these contributions include original scientific research results, raw data (unprocessed data) and metadata, original sources, digital representations of pictorial and graphic materials, and academic material.

The digitization and availability of research and sources have been an encouragement to researchers, according to Mariana Flores (2015, p. 245):

More and more historical research is done from huge volumes of sources. Another modification made when doing historiography due to the use of technology refers to the fact that the ability to collect as many documents as possible is no longer a merit of certain researches, since the resource of "copying" documents through digital photography, an expedient that any historian can use, allows to collect impressive amounts of documents in a short time.

In March 2019, the Cehvap team began the process of digitizing the final papers, called "Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso" (Course Conclusion Work - TCC) of the institution's technical, undergraduate, and graduate courses. This collection consists of printed and digital material and is in the process of being digitized to disseminate the rich documentation produced in recent decades, generally restricted to the academic sphere.

In this article, we will focus the discussion on the quantitative-qualitative analysis of the TCCs of the History course, to map the spatial and thematic cuts, considering the contextual demands of this production. As a source of study, 295 papers for the completion of the History course, produced between 1991 and 2018, were used. The time frame is justified by the fact that, in 1991, the Ministry of Education (MEC) instituted the mandatory making of the final papers as a discipline in higher education courses. The year 2018 was established as the research limit, as it was from this period on that the Univap library started to request the works in digital format, with the delivery of a CD-ROM, making the digitization of the copy of the physical work unnecessary.

Through quantitative analysis, a survey of the TCCs contained in the archive of the Center for History & Memory of Univap was carried out. The descriptors contained in the TCCs, elements that guided the organization of the research, were taken from the title and abstract of each work. This tracking allowed us to identify the chosen spatial cut (city, state, or country) and the delimitation of the research line.

Importance of archivology for memory analysis

In 1967, it was authorized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, decree n. 60,554, the creation of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, in São José dos Campos, covering the courses of History, Pedagogy and Letters. Composed of 17 students, the first class of the History course graduated in 1971, however the recognition of the faculty took place only in the following year, through decree n. 70.360, of April 4, 1972, signed by the then president Emílio Garrastazu Médici. Operating for years in the well-known “Largo das Letras”, on FVE's Paraibuna campus, the course, along with others, was transferred to the newly created Urbanova campus in the same city. By the year 2018, Univap's history course had graduated 988 students.

When the History course was created, there was no obligation, at the end of graduation, to carry out a final paper. This subject only became part of his pedagogical plan in 1991, when the National Education Plan demanded this inclusion in the higher education in the country. The TCC consists of a research work that, although not mandatory nowadays in some universities, is an extremely important stage for the formation of the student. Scientific research represents not only an academic exercise, but also an indicator of institutional quality, whose function is to assess the student body's mastery of the technical and scientific knowledge acquired throughout the course. Research development begins with the choice of a topic and involves stages defined by the researcher, who usually selects a research problem or topic based on affinity or questions in relation to its object of analysis (Spindola et al., 2011, p. 611).

The construction, development, and presentation of the TCC are important steps for the formation of students. The choice of themes and approaches are related to the reflections imposed by the historical moment. Throughout the education process, the students choose themes that cause them more uneasiness, affinity and questioning (Faustino, 2018, p. 1). The final paper is done under the supervision of a specialized professor and is presented and defended before an examining board, usually composed by the supervisor and two professors. It is not expected that the TCC will have unprecedented results, but that it will contain an exploratory research discussed in the light of its formative content (Perna, 2011, p. 22).

About the importance of revisiting our own academic productions, Bentivoglio and Santos (2009, p. 3) emphasize the need “to take stock down a trajectory marked by a considerable body of research that needs to revisit its roots, its nature and the meaning they acquire in certain contexts”. The analysis of the production of the history course at Univap, created in the mid-1960s, allowed us to perceive, through the descriptors of the TCCs, a path marked by the demands imposed by the historical context and by the lines of research of the course professors who, in turn, stimulated many and varied publications.

The TCC is part of the mandatory disciplines of the university courses, and its format, the composition of the structure and the techniques for presenting the research document are guided by Univap's internal rules, supported by ABNT (the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). According to its standards, it is allowed up to three student authors per paper. Because many TCCs had up to three authorships, it was necessary to count not only the number of digitized works, but also their authors. Thus, as shown in Table 6, between 1991 and 2018, Univap graduated 635 students in the History course. Of these, 455 students are listed as authors; the remaining 180 works were likely undelivered or borrowed and not returned.

Table 6 – TCCs and students graduated from the History course at Univap


Number of TCCs

Number of authors

Number of graduated students (History degree)

1991 to 1997




1998 to 2004




2005 to 2011




2012 to 2018








Source: made by the authors, based on data from Cehvap (2019) and the Department of Academic Documentation (DDA).

Regarding the descriptors and spatial clippings of the TCCs, the title of the works was considered; understanding that “the title must correspond, as much as possible, to the content of the investigation that is presented” (Faustino; Ivashita, 2018, p. 6). In cases where the title of the work did not contain the spatial clipping, information was collected based on its abstract, which focuses on synthesizing the theme, objectives, and content. Abstracts are of great importance in scientific research, as it is from them that the reader will feel instigated or not to proceed with the reading, in addition to being fundamental in the process of disseminating information (Cavalheiro, 2018).

Table 7 – Spatial clipping of the TCCs of the Univap History course

Spation Clipping (Cities and States)

Number of TCCs









Cachoeira Paulista


Campos do Jordão












Mato Grosso do Sul


Minas Gerais


Monteiro Lobato








Redenção da Serra


Rio de Janeiro


Santa Branca


Santa Catarina


São Francisco Xavier


São José dos Campos


São Luiz do Paraitinga


São Paulo


São Sebastião








Vale do Paraíba


No location


Other countries


Some authors have already demonstrated that the TCC “suffers influences from the educational institution of which the student belongs” (Spindola et al., 2011, p. 612), since it uses theoretical references offered in the disciplines, as well as receiving influences from their teachers and advisors. In relation to the TCCs of the History course produced at Univap, it is possible to observe that most of the research was focused on the municipality of São José dos Campos (40% of the total), where the university operates, followed by interests in nearby cities, such as Paraibuna, Jacareí, Caraguatatuba, Taubaté, among others. Certainly, these spatial cutouts are justified by the ease of access to sources.

The data also show that a good part of the works (29%) are about general themes, without spatial framing, such as “comic book”, “indigenous struggle in Brazil”, “press in Brazil” and others. Another topic that has been of interest to students is that of a biographical nature, which was included here in the category of works “without location”, as it does not have a well-defined spatial cutout. Biographical researches are those that propose a construction of the biography of an individual with a recognized public trajectory (Rosa; Baraldi, 2015).

Some of the biographical TCCs are focused on the life and actions of Brazilian politicians, such as Jânio Quadros, Pedro Vicente de Azevedo and Domingos José Jaguaribe; or writers such as Valdomiro Silveira, Nina Rodrigues, João Pacífico and Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta; or of other personalities such as Antônio Conselheiro, Raul Seixas, Jeca Tatu and Elpídio dos Santos; and also of anonymous people, who are no less important for that. Memories of the soldiers in the region became research themes and revealed different ways of remembering the war and its traumas.

The biographical genre is old in the field of history. Since antiquity, it has been used to extol deeds of individuals or groups of individuals, whose actions were related to the security and assertion of territories, kingdoms, and empires. In the Middle Ages, biography was used to reinforce medieval hagiographies, personalities linked to the rule of the Catholic Church. The exalting biography of personalities considered heroic has remained in the Modern Era. Only those who were attributed the ability to give meaning to history and to force the fate of society were considered worthy of being biographed.

In the Contemporary Era, biography reached scientific status with the Annales' innovative proposals, which encompass not only the methodological field, problematizing the ways of biography, but also the inclusion of other subjects, those called by Bloch (2001) as second-rate authors order, as important to history as those that the descriptive positivist biography elected as the only ones able to be biographed. Instead of the factual linearity centered on the chronology of the short time of the subject, it started to be related to the economic, political, social, and cultural context in which it was inserted. In this sense, micro-history favored the genre and the expansion of approaches, with the advancement of the history of mentalities, oral history and “history seen from below”.

The spatial clippings of the researches favored São José dos Campos, certainly because it is the host city of the university and because the oldest professors in the History course maintained research projects about the city and its surroundings, such as the studies of professors and doctors in social history: Maria Aparecida Papali (started her academic career in the same University, in 1994), with research on slavery, post-abolition and tutelage processes in São José dos Campos, Jacareí and Taubaté; and Valéria Zanetti (college freshman in 1996), whose lines of research span the history of urban slavery, health, disease, identity and memory. Professor Ana Enedi Prince (entering the faculty in 2002), PhD in economic history, develops research focused on the industrialization process in São José dos Campos, in the area of education, during the sanatorium phase of São José dos Campos (1930 to 1960) and Campos do Jordão (1920 to 1950). As described by Papali et al., (2007, p. 101),

We have directed the themes of our research to the Vale do Paraíba region, with special attention to the historical and documental reconstruction of the city of São José dos Campos. In this same direction, the final papers of History students are heading, in total harmony with historiographic approaches [...] responding to the demands for knowledge made by social movements. The themes worked are of the most varied types. Some using unprecedented sources and approaches, others reinforcing historiographical results and presenting new perspectives. In the meanders of this story, the past of Vale do Paraíba, in particular, begins to be unraveled. Research carried out by our students shows a Valley with a very rich past.

The final papers provide data for new interdisciplinary studies, as they often raise sources that, until then, were hidden in research institutions in São José dos Campos and in neighboring cities. Some of these works became important references and, as a result, were transformed into books: 1500: the invasion of Brazil (editora Cabral, 1996), authored by the student José Bessa da Silva; The power of mercy: public health and the foundation of Santa Casa de Jacareí from 1850 to 1896 (Scortecci Editor, 2001), by student Ana Luíza do Patrocínio; Modernity and sanitary urbanism in São José dos Campos (Papercom, 2002), by students Ana Maria Santos and Luiz Laerte Soares; Memories of a prisoner of war: a historical analysis of the participation of José Eliseu de Oliveira in World War II, by student Douglas de Almeida, whose work is available on the website of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB).

From 2010, professors Maria Aparecida Papali and Valéria Zanetti, main coordinator and member of the team, respectively, started a cycle of several projects financed by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo - Fapesp) with themes focused on the period of post-abolition in the region of Vale do Paraíba paulista, covering mainly the life and work relationships of children and young children of former slaves in the region who were tutored by former masters or "good men" of the cities. The main locations worked were the cities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba and Paraibuna. In all these projects, there was the collaboration of undergraduate students from the institution's History course, who were also Fapesp scholarship holders. Its representative participation resulted in the collection of a large number of sources, mainly from the guardianship of orphans, which were digitized and transcribed and, later, used for the elaboration of the respective TCCs of the students.

Many of the themes, such as rape, escape, abuse, exploitation of child labor, denial of motherhood used against former slaves who had their children taken under guardianship, were also addressed in the TCCs that dealt with the theme of slavery and post-abolition. Such collaborations were so relevant to historiography that some of them were turned into book chapters. One of them is currently in press at the Intermeios publishing house as a product of the collection entitled Slavery and post-abolição in the Vale of Paraíba paulista, under the coordination of professors Maria Aparecida Papali and Valéria Zanetti.

Between 2008 and 2014, as a result of research carried out by the São José dos Campos Pro-Memory Research Center, coordinated by professors Maria Aparecida Papali and Valéria Zanetti, seven volumes of the collection “São José dos Campos: history & city” were published, sponsored by Petrobras.2 The collection, coordinated by the teachers, had the collaboration of students from the History course at Univap and interns from Pró-Memória São José dos Campos, also students of the History course. To a large extent, a large part of these collaborations came to permeate themes of course final papers and, given the relevance of many of them, adaptation to become book chapters was suggested. Volume four of this collection was the one that most demonstrated the collaboration of students, entitled Escravidão e pós-abolição no Vale do Paraíba paulista [Sanitary Phase of São José dos Campos: space and disease]. This volume was dedicated to the population, so that they could have access to the issues of when the city served regional interests as a sanatorium to combat tuberculosis, during a good part of the 20th century.3

The pedagogical project of the History course at Univap, aimed at teaching degrees, privileges teacher training on broad fronts, including teaching, research and work in memory centers and archives. Students have the opportunity to work as interns in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) and in the Pró-Memória Research Center4 and are encouraged to produce scientific articles from the beginning of the course.

As noted by Papali et al. (2007, p. 102), the TCCs of History have brought to the historical scene social agents who were previously relegated, valuing the life experience and knowledge of common people or sectors of society that had been excluded from history. In this sense, there were many studies that gave relevance to anonymous characters in the region, but that are popularly marked in the popular imagination, such as the case of Maria Peregrina, in São José dos Campos. Little is known about this woman's history, since there are no documents that prove her existence. However, her story populates the collective imagination, which is presented in a georeferenced way, restricted to the northern region of the city.

Peregrina's history and the identity of the neighborhood of Santana, where she wandered, intertwine, creating a scenario of losses and identity crises, when the neighborhood ceased to be a reference in the industrial sector. What little is known is that she was a black woman from Minas Gerais, who wandered the streets of the Santana neighborhood between 1946 and 1964, one of the oldest in the city, and which ended up becoming a local reference. This woman embarked on the pilgrimage after a fight with her mother, who cursed her future. Strongly present in popular culture and in the neighborhood's toponymy, but with little documentary evidence, her history names the cemetery, street, and bridges in the northern region of the city. Regardless of whether Maria Peregrina existed or not, the story built on her reveals the anxieties and doubts of a society in conflict with its own changes.

The process of mythical construction of her identity was understood as one of the community's responses to the demands of the historical context, when local references as the locus of industrial production in the 1950s were lost, when industries moved from the northern region of the city of São José dos Campos to the vicinity of the Presidente Dutra highway, the main connection route between the two national metropolises, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The devotion to the Peregrina is such that it led to the request for canonization, due to the countless graces achieved by her devotees. Theme of TCC and of several articles, the history of women without history has contributed to the interdisciplinary study in the field of biography, geohistory and hagiography.5

Other themes, such as coronelism in the region, have also motivated research. Studies revealed that, although the municipality of São José dos Campos did not have economic prominence at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, the phenomenon of coronelismo was present, with emphasis on the studies of the local political force of the mayor, Colonel João Cursino.

The primary sources (civil files, criminal cases, wills, and inventories) are frequently used for the elaboration of TCCs, since the university has been contemplated by research agencies that finance the creation of historical collections. The fact that the research data and primary documents consulted are attached at the end of the work not only facilitates access to the documentation, but, in some cases, it becomes the only possible source, given the deviation of the document or its inaccessibility of the original source.

Wills, as well as inventories, are important sources for analyzing material and immaterial culture, in addition to revealing behaviors and ways of living. The analysis of the will of João da Costa Gomes Leitão, a prominent coffee producer in Jacareí, for example, revealed his political and economic strength in the region, to the point of diverting a river in the center of the city to expand his territorial domains. Only 2% of the TCCs dealt with subjects from outside Brazil, probably due to the difficulty of accessing research sources and the very influence of microscales, and regional and local history. However, generally, in the introduction of their works, the authors relate their subject of study to the world historical context, establishing a relationship between the specific and the general and vice versa.

Research focused on regional history makes up a large part of the number of themes in the history TCCs. This fact is concomitant with the current of thought that took hold in the 1990s, which believed that "totalizing or universal history" was impossible, and that, therefore, local histories or those with regional focus centered in a geographically limited area should assume the foreground without, however, ignoring the territory or the wider areas in which the studied place belonged, so as not to run the risk of neglecting external interventions and influences (Graça Filho, 2013).

Univap's history course does not have pre-established lines of research, since the topics covered are those of interest to students. So, to classify the thematic cuts chosen in the elaboration of the TCCs, it was decided to create some categories. Themes are the main subjects discussed in a document, becoming the main focus of the work and the element around which the informative core is structured (Kobashi, 1994, p. 11). The themes (Table 8) were framed in research lines, defined by Capes as "the domain or thematic nucleus of the research activity of the program that encompasses the systematic development of works with common objects or methodologies", which may or may not be associated with projects of research (Capes, 2014, p. 44).

Table 8 – Thematic clipping of Univap’s history TCCs (1991 to 2018)

Research lines

Number of TCCs

Historical Biography


Historical, iconographic, material, and historiographic documentation


Slavery and post-abolition


Indigenous history


Local and regional history


Brazilian history


World history


Methodology and Pedagogical Practices in History Teaching


Social movements


Source: made by the authors, based on data from Cehvap (2019).

Due to the large number of files and their distribution in different lines of research, it has not been possible, so far, to carry out a quantitative study that encompasses the recurrence of themes associated with the historical contexts of their productions, nor was it even feasible to determine the scope of these works and how many people accessed or searched for these works. Although the TCCs are cataloged online on the Univap library website, the Pergamum system, used by the university, does not allow the visualization of accesses to the researched items.

Felgueiras (2011) emphasized that educational activity and production have social value and deserve to be analyzed and remembered, as they accompany the development of educational sciences, establishing an organic relationship with society. The study of the past allows the recognition of the different educational realities, and it was with the awareness of the importance of preserving the sources and their study that the Center for History & Memory of Univap (Cehvap) started not only to sanitize, digitize, and catalog this educational documentation, but also to disseminate it, so that anyone could have access to these documents.

According to Felgueiras, it is not only the need for investigation that leads to the inventory, registration, and construction of databases, but also the need to exercise citizenship, to preserve the elements that are able to create a collective memory. For the author, “conserving and making sources accessible is essential to verify the work and interpretations made, to continue other analysis as well as to keep the record of these testimonies, as foundations of memory” (Felgueiras, 2011, p. 76).

However, the big question that arises are the risks of the digital material's life cycle, that is, its obsolescence. For this, said Sayão and Sales (2012, p. 180),

It is necessary to establish methodologies and long-term commitments that guarantee the capacity of data in digital formats, which are being generated now, to be accessed, interpreted, and reused with current technology at the time of access. Therefore, persistent archiving, digital preservation, and the establishment of information models for the preservation of scientific records are becoming key issues for research areas.

The authors mention the importance of digital curation, "which involves active management and preservation of digital resources throughout the lifecycle of interest to the academic and scientific world, with the outlook the temporal challenge of serving current and future users" (Sayão; Sales, 2012, p. 184). For José Maria Jardim (1995), archives contribute to their constant reinvention “resulting not from a rational systematization of a productive process of memories, but rather from the incipient theoretical reflection produced in relation to the theme within these institutions” (Jardim, 1995, p. 8).

Certainly, the creation, permanence and management of archives are domains of political dimensions, of the meaning given to archival documents, whose attribution of the value of memory is signatory not only to their preservation policy, but also to access to their collection. In the case of institutional academic production, it itself carries the history of courses, people, and the multiple memories that surround scientific work.

Final considerations

This exploratory and reflective study, unprecedented from the point of view of the memory of academic scientific production, aimed to present the themes of TCCs as a source for analyzing the historical trajectory of the history course at Univap. Through the mapping of course completion works, it was noticed that the scientific production of a university reflects the themes developed by the professors in their different ways of acting: teaching, research, and extension.

The analysis of the themes of the final works of the Univap history course offers a rich panorama about the subjects of interest to students in the last three decades.

Regional history has been of greatest interest among the themes of the TCCs. The choice of the microscale is explained by the admission that it is impossible to reach total or universal history. In this sense, the influence of the new French-speaking history can be seen in the approach of university professors, who understand that local or regional histories, which are part of micro-history, are micro only in terms of the spatial dimension, but as complex as the macro-scale story. With this balance, it was possible not only to portray one of the paths taken by Univap students, but also to offer subsidies for the future of research in the course. By highlighting the lack of research about other locations, we expect that students think about valuing these underexplored areas, and that teachers guide future researches focused on these other spaces, silenced by local historiography, but full of stories to unravel.

An institution's research collection is important not only for its technical and educational potential, but also because it is loaded with stories that permeate the researcher's trajectory, the supervisors' research lines and the specific memories that frame and arrange the historical past.


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Recebido em 31/1/2021

Aprovado em 11/5/2021


1     Tables 1 to 5, 7 and 8 were made by the authors, based on data from Univap (2020).

2     The books can be accessed in the Pro-Memory website:

4     Pró-Memória is a research center about the history of São José dos Campos. It is headquartered at the Research and Historical Documentation Laboratory of the Research & Development Institute of the Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. Its history dates back to 2003, at the initiative of the Municipality of São José dos Campos, which, by decree-law, established the Pró-Memória in partnership between Univap, the Municipal Council and the Municipal Archive and hired interns to feed the collection. More details at:

5     See more at: Accessed on: Apr. 8, 2021.

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