Artigos Livres

v. 9 n. 1-2 (jan/dez - 1996): Estudos de gênero

A santa e o lavrador: gênero e poder na Baixa Idade Média portuguesa (1282-1325)

  • Georgina Silva dos Santos
8 julho 2015


At the close of the late Middle Ages, aiming at building a national identity link, the early Portuguese State works out a pattern for a queen, based on the Marian female model. The symbolic effectiveness of this ideal sovereign, wife and mother, already conceived I the 12th century and culminating in the 16th century, is one means for directing women’s social role, based on the queen’s attributes ad actions. The Isabelline pattern, however, requires a superhuman posture. Ascetism, altruism, faith, obedience to the fate designed by men and God, are some of the elements making up the production  cycle of this image


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